Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Call For Submissions

Failure is immediately, and publicly, apparent for sportsmen and women, whereas artistic failures tend to be private. Artists typically present only works of which they are - or at least were - proud.

Do you have any work that you consider a failure? Perhaps fatally flawed, ill-conceived or unsuccessful? Did a line of enquiry peter out, leaving abandoned artefacts and/or preparatory work?

We’re putting together a group show that will bring works together that, despite failing, say something about the process of making art or show ways in which failure could be considered a critical strategy, especially within a culture that values success so highly. Initially we are trying to create an online archive of work in order to start a discussion about failure within art practice. We plan to create an exhibition that will tour UK venues in 2011/2012.

If you think you have a piece of work with a story to tell, please email to
    •    Up to four images (72dpi and no bigger than 600 x 600 pixels)
    •    A short statement of up to 300 words about the work depicted. Include a title, if any, and please make clear why you consider it a failure.
    •    Make it clear if you want the work to remain anonymous

We'll get back to you about including it on a website or this blog and take it from there.

A few other things:
    •    Feel free to circulate this statement/call-out within your own networks
    •    Don't send anything other than what is described above
    •    Submission does not guarantee inclusion either online or in the exhibition
    •    It may take us some time to get back to you, so please be patient
    •    We will be seeking funding for the exhibition, but as yet we have no money, hence the initial call-out being via email
    •    We will create a mailing list dedicated to this project. If you would rather not go on this please let us know.